Can Vegans Drink Alcohol?

Published by Ray on

Can vegans drink alcohol? This is a common question for those following a vegan lifestyle who want to enjoy an occasional drink but avoid animal products. The answer isn’t straightforward, as some alcoholic beverages contain animal-derived ingredients or use animal products during production.

However, there are many vegan alcohol options to choose from, especially wine, beer, and liquor. Doing a bit of research makes it possible for vegans to imbibe responsibly.

Key Takeaways: Can Vegans Drink Alcohol

  • Veganism impacts all life choices, including alcohol consumption.
  • Many alcoholic beverages use animal-derived ingredients or filtration methods.
  • A variety of vegan-friendly wines, beers, and spirits are available.
  • Reading labels and researching brands are key to finding vegan alcohol.
  • Organic and certified vegan options are generally safe choices.
  • Responsible drinking is important in the vegan lifestyle.
  • Increasing demand for vegan products has expanded alcohol choices.
  • Being informed and cautious allows vegans to enjoy alcohol ethically.


To understand if vegans can consume alcohol, it’s important to first review what veganism is and why alcohol may be of concern. Veganism is a lifestyle and philosophy that seeks to exclude all animal exploitation and cruelty as much as possible.

Vegans do not consume any animal products, including meat, dairy, eggs, honey, and leather. Many vegans also avoid household goods, cosmetics, and other products that use animal derivatives.

The primary reason alcohol may go against vegan values is that some alcoholic beverages contain animal ingredients or are filtered using animal-based products like egg whites or fish bladders.

Additionally, there are ethical concerns around alcohol production practices that may violate vegan principles. However, there are still many vegan-friendly alcohol options available today.

This article will provide an overview of the types of alcohol vegans can and cannot drink, tips for identifying vegan-friendly alcohol brands, and advice for drinking responsibly as a vegan.

With some diligent label reading and brand research, vegans absolutely can imbibe and enjoy alcohol in ways aligned with their ethics and diet.

Types of Alcohol Vegans Can Drink

Types of Alcohol Vegans Can Drink

While caution must be taken when choosing wine, beer, liquor, and other alcoholic drinks, there are still many animal-free options vegans can safely consume and enjoy. Here are some of the most common types of vegan alcohol available:


Fortunately for wine lovers, most wines are completely vegan, meaning they contain no animal products and are not filtered using ingredients like isinglass (fish bladder protein). This is especially true for lighter vegan-friendly wines like Chardonnay, Pinot Grigio, Sauvignon Blanc, and Rosé.

Check the label to make sure your wine is vegan. Watch out for wine that’s been “fined” or “clarified” with milk, egg whites, or other animal ingredients. Vegan wine brands include Frey Vineyards, Purple Trillium, and Barnard Griffin.


Many beers are also vegan, though some do use animal products for filtration. When checking beer for vegan-friendliness, look out for lactose, honey, and isinglass, which may be used during processing. Some reliably vegan beer brands are Bitburger, Bravus, New Belgium, and Modern Times.

Going for organic beer is a good option, as organic standards prohibit animal-based filtration methods. Of course, quintessential vegan beers like IPAs and lagers are good choices.

Liquor and Spirits

Most clear liquors like vodka, gin, rum, and tequila are vegan friendly, since they are distilled from plant products and contain no dairy. Whiskeys, bourbons, and other dark liquors are typically vegan but should be checked for added honey flavors or other sneaky animal ingredients.

Top vegan liquor brands include Absolut, Captian Morgan, and Jack Daniel’s. As always, double check by reading labels and researching online to confirm vegan status.

Types of Alcohol Vegans Should Avoid

Can Vegans Drink Alcohol

While the list of vegan alcohol options is long, there are still many beverages vegans will want to avoid due to animal-derived ingredients, filters, and production practices that violate vegan ethics. Here are some of the most common non-vegan alcohols:

Wine Fined with Animal Products

Some wines are clarified or “fined” using animal-based products like egg whites, milk (casein), and isinglass from fish bladders. This removes sediment and proteins to make wine appear brighter and more stable.

Fining agents are usually not added to ingredient labels, so vegans must research brands individually. Wines fined with these animal ingredients are not vegan-friendly.

Beer Filtered with Animal Products

Like some wines, a few beer varieties also use animal-derived products like isinglass (fish bladder) or gelatin during filtering or as a stabilizing agent. Again, this is rarely included on the label, so vegans should look out for beers labeled as “real ale” or check Barnivore for vegan-friendly brands.

Liquors/Spirits Containing Animal Ingredients

Some dark alcohols like cream-based liqueurs, honey whiskey blends, and even some rums contain traces of dairy, honey, or other animal products for flavor, texture, or color.

Additionally, some rums and spirits use animal bone char for filtration, which is non-vegan. Checking ingredient lists and contacting manufacturers is key to identifying vegan-safe spirits.

Checking if Alcohol is Vegan-Friendly

Checking if Alcohol is Vegan-Friendly

With animal ingredients sometimes added during production or filtration, how can you find out if a particular wine, beer, or liquor is vegan? Here are some tips:

Reading the Label

Carefully read the ingredient list and product description for any mentions of milk, honey, casein, egg whites, isinglass, or other animal-derived ingredients. Phrases like “fined using…” or “filtered through…” often indicate animal products used during processing.

Researching Brands Online

Look up the alcohol manufacturer and brand name online to find any information about their production methods and vegan-friendliness. Many brands now advertise if their products are “vegan certified” or “no animal ingredients.” Resources like Barnivore are helpful for checking beer and wine.

Calling the Manufacturer

If online information is unclear, consider calling the alcohol producer directly and asking if their product contains any animal derivatives or filtration agents. Most customer service reps can look up ingredients and production details to confirm if the product is vegan.

Tips for Choosing Vegan Alcohol

Tips for Choosing Vegan Alcohol

Finding vegan wine, beer, liquor, and other drink options has gotten easier lately with more brands catering to alternative diets and lifestyles. Here are some tips for identifying the most ethical vegan-friendly alcoholic beverages:

Opt for Organic and Sustainable

Organic and sustainably produced alcohol tends to be vegan since organic regulations forbid animal-based fining and filtration. Bonus, choosing organic is better for the environment.

Support Vegan-Friendly Brands

Look for beers, wines, and spirits from brands that advertise themselves as “vegan-friendly” or “animal-free.” This makes your selection process easier.

Check for Certifications

Some alcohol carries certifications like “Certified Vegan” that ensure no animal products are used during any point of production. This offers peace of mind that your drink is aligned with vegan values.

Responsible Drinking as a Vegan

Responsible Drinking as a Vegan

One final consideration for vegans when drinking alcohol is to stay mindful of intake. While there are many vegan alcohol options, drinking should still be done responsibly:

Pace Yourself

As with any drinking, go slowly and be aware of how much alcohol you consume. Eat plenty of food beforehand so you aren’t drinking on an empty stomach.

Eat Before and While Drinking

Have a full vegan meal before going out and snack on plant-based foods like nuts or veggies while imbibing to slow absorption of alcohol.

Stay Hydrated

Drink a glass of water between each alcoholic beverage to maintain hydration and prevent severe effects of alcohol. Dehydration worsens hangovers.

Avoid Drunk Driving

Never operate any vehicle or machinery under the influence of alcohol. Have a designated driver, take a ride share home, or plan to stay over if drinking away from your home.

The good news is that yes, vegans can drink alcohol in moderation and enjoy it as part of an ethical, compassionate lifestyle. With proper research and care taken when choosing wine, beer, liquor, and other vegan-friendly alcoholic drinks, imbibing can be fun and safe for vegans. Just be sure to drink responsibly.


Embracing Vegan-Friendly Alcohol

In conclusion, vegans can indeed enjoy alcoholic beverages while adhering to their ethical and dietary principles. With a growing awareness and demand for vegan-friendly options, many alcohol brands are now offering products that are free from animal-derived ingredients and unethical production practices. By being vigilant about reading labels, researching brands, and choosing organic and certified vegan options, vegans can safely partake in a variety of wines, beers, and spirits.

Remember, responsible drinking is essential, and vegan or not, it’s important to consume alcohol in moderation, stay hydrated, and avoid driving under the influence. As the vegan movement grows, so too does the availability of alcohol that aligns with a compassionate, animal-free lifestyle.

Related Reading: Can Vegans Drink Alcohol

Vegan Alcohol Guide: Beers, Wines & Distilled Spirits
Discover the ultimate guide to vegan alcohol, featuring an extensive list of beers, wines, and distilled spirits. This resource also delves into the health and social implications of alcohol consumption.

Not All Alcohol Is Vegan—Here Are 45 Bottles That Are
Explore a curated selection of 45 vegan-friendly liquors, wines, and beers, all meticulously chosen for being free from animal-derived products and by-products.

Vegan Friendly Alcohol – Difford’s Guide
Difford’s Guide provides insights into vegan-friendly alcohol, emphasizing that most spirits are vegan, with tips on navigating the complexities of aged spirits.

Vegan Alcohol Ultimate Guide – Viva!
Viva! offers an ultimate guide to vegan spirits, beer, wine, and ciders, highlighting top picks that are free from animal products.

Barnivore: Your Vegan Wine, Beer, and Liquor Guide
Barnivore serves as an online directory for vegan and vegetarian beer, wine, and liquor, making it easier for vegans to choose their drinks wisely.

Vegan Alcohol: Can Vegans Drink Alcohol? Full UK Guide
This UK guide explores the world of vegan alcohol, listing popular brands and options while identifying non-vegan alcoholic drinks to avoid.

FAQ About Vegans Drinking Alcohol

Can vegans drink wine?

Yes, most wines are vegan-friendly. Just check that animal products like milk, egg whites, or isinglass were not used to filter or fine the wine. Look for “vegan-certified” wines or organic varieties.

What kind of liquor can vegans drink?

Vodka, gin, tequila, rum, and other clear spirits are generally vegan. Look out for honey-flavored versions or liquors filtered using animal bone char. When in doubt, check with the distillery.

Are there any vegan beers?

Yes! Many major beer brands offer vegan-friendly options, just look out for milk, honey, or isinglass used in filtration. Go for organic lagers and IPAs or check for specifics on brands and varieties.

How can you tell if an alcohol is vegan?

Read the label for animal-derived ingredients, research the brand online for production details, or call the manufacturer directly to inquire about filtration processes and ingredients sources.

Can vegans drink alcohol if it was fined or filtered using animal products?

No, vegans avoid products filtered with ingredients like egg whites, milk, or isinglass since this still indirectly supports use of animal products. There are plenty of animal-free alcohol options available today.


Ray McNally, the founder of Go Best Vegan, leads a passionate team dedicated to making the transition to a vegan lifestyle effortless and enjoyable. With a commitment to providing valuable information, resources, and delicious vegan recipes, Go Best Vegan aims to support individuals in their journey towards veganism, emphasizing the health benefits, environmental impact, and the joy of vegan cooking.


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